O avea si filmulete, ce stiu eu. Ce e Uncyclopedia asta? Pai este o parodiere a Wikipediei . Dar faza misto este ca se intinde pe foarte multe domenii si este foarte variata. Cam ca wikipedia. Are si un sloganul de genul,,Fii amuzant, nu doar prost!'', intrucat situl poate fi imbunatatit de orice om dornic sa o faca[bineinteles, articolele sunt totusi selectate de niste administratori]. In orice caz, care e ideea : e al naibii de amuzant. Exista un fel de pagina de reguli sau de ,,terms and conditions'' care mentioneaza clar ca foarte putine lucruri de pe sit sunt adevarate, dar si aceleasi expuse comic. Ca sa va atrag atentia va prezint un pasaj din articolul ,,Romania'' despre turism:
Tourism in Romania is a relative new national sport. Romanians tend to gather in herds in certain times of the year (like the 1'st of May, The International Labourer Day) and go devastate every piece of nature that resisted the previous year's onslaught. When he/she is in the middle of nature, the average Rumanian tends to get melancolic and gets in the mood for some very loud, broken-heart music (aka manele).
After setting up his chosen location and playing the music at the 20000W car stereo, the Rumanian starts to prepare the national dish, the mici (smallies). The "mici" (not to be mistaken for the "muci", the product of the national sport, nosepicking) are at their best served with mustard and a pint or two of beer (or 5, or 6 - who can count them after 10?).
Smallies are a mixture of all types of meat and spices (such as garlic - to fend off vampires, and onion - to fend off family), tenderly moulded in a somewhat tubular shape. Although you would not expect it, the Rumanian actually cooks the mici, by placing them on improvised stoves, called gratare, which are constructed with the sole purpose of producing the maximum amount of smelly smoke in order to annoy the neighbours that don't own one.
After finishing their relaxing day in nature, the Rumanians make sure not to leave the garbage in one location, on the spot, but scatter it all around, so that the few surviving forest animals choke on it (thus the Rumanian lives up to his hunter-gatherer reputation).
A very important tourist attraction of Romania is The Ol'-Bitches' Stone also known as "Babele". Near it is the not so spectacular StonedDude or "Sfinxul" (in Rumanian). If will ever have the privilege to visit Romania, don't miss it!
Eu m-am prapadit de ras. Acum e si chestie de gusturi, dar daca sunteti fanul vreunei serii televizate, sau al unui gen de mancare, bautura, droguri, va place sahul, muzica, orice...cautati si versiunea Uncyclopedia . O sa va amuzati. E imposibil sa nu va amuzati.
PS: In limba romana orice portal virtual se numeste ,,sit'', ci nu ,,site''. Asta pentru eventualii altruisti ce vor dori sa-mi ,,remedieze'' cunostintele.
PlayStation2: Aceasta este una din putinele[sau cine stie, poate chiar singura] postari fara niciun fel de legatura cu vreun film whatsoever. Stay chill bluds, blogul ie cu felme.
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